For us you are our number one priority!
Having over a decade’s experience of satisfied clients, it is our prerogative to make sure you always enjoy,
each and every time you use our method. With that in mind, we are pleased to provide you with professional
customer service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. There’s no question too big or small. Feel free to reach out with your
questions anytime.

Customer Email Support – the main communication method with us For all your questions, please send an email to Considering the number of requests and letters, please give us maximum 24 hours to send you back the answer on your question.
Customer Support Postal Address
Romania, Bucharest, Sector 6, 202B, Splaiul Independentei street, office 42
Tax Registration Number (CUI) 50540287
ROONRC. J2024021879009
Postal address060023, România, Bucharest, Sector 6, 202B, Splaiul Independentei street,office 42